Percentage increase calculator makes your life easy by calculating percentage increase of any number from another starting number. The word percentage is made of per cent which means one part in every hundred . So, the percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction with respect to 100 .Percentages is a dimensionless number, therefore when we say, 50% of a number, then it means 50 per cent of its whole.
Examples of percentages are:
- 10% is equal to 1/10 fraction
- 20% is equivalent to ⅕ fraction
- 75% is equivalent to ¾ fraction
Percentage increase & decrease calculator
How to calculate percentages?
If you want to find out what percentage is x of another number , you just divide x by y and then multiply by 100. So formula to find percentage is
(x/y)*100 %
So what percentage is 45 (x) of 90 (y) is solved as under
( 45/90)*100 %= 50%
How to Calculate Percentage Increase ?
- Subtract final value minus starting value
- Divide that amount by the absolute value of the starting value
- Multiply by 100 to get percent increase
Percentage Decrease Formula
- Subtract starting value from final value
- Divide that amount by the absolute value of the starting value
- Multiply by 100 to get percent increase