cylinder is a solid composed of two congruent circles in parallel planes, their interiors and all the line segments parallel to the segment containing the centres of both circles with endpoints on the circular regions. The surface area of a cylinder is sum total of base surface area and lateral surface area.

Cylinder Surface Area Calculator

Formulas for Cylinder Volume,Surface Area

Test our cylinder volume calculator as well!

1.Volume  V = π * r² * h,
2.Base surface area (BSA) = 2 * π * r²,
3.Lateral surface area (LSA)= 2 *π*r*h
4.Total surface area = BSA+ LSA

How to Compute Radius & Height of Cylinder?

If you know the height and volume or the total surface area of a cylinder, you can use the following formulas related to the cylinder. :

V= volume ;h= height ; A=total surface area;SA=surface area
Radius= √(V / (π * h)),
Radius= Lateral area / (2 * π * h),
Radius = (√(h² + 2 * Total Area / π) – h) / 2,
Radius= 2 * h / (h * SA:V – 2),
Radius = 2 * Volume/ Lateral Area
Radius= √(Base Area / (2 * π)),
Radius= √((Total Area – Lateral Surface Area) / (2 * π)).

Cylinder Math Tutorial Video-Recommendation

I find this video on the subject of Math very nice tutorial on cylinder’s math concept.

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